Video Marketing Is Never Out of Reach

Current data shows that the increased reach and resonance of video marketing over the more traditional methods of text and images is inarguable. Video marketing, however, can come with a hefty price tag. A well-made, professional, 30-second video can cost upwards of $250,000, and many brands just don’t have that kind of capital. Luckily, video marketing is a medium you can produce on your own with a bit of hard work and edification.

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When faced with the time it will take to come up to speed on producing in-house videos, may teams balk at the opportunity cost of that time. Businesses have only so much time, and time spent learning how to produce videos means less time spent on other critical tasks. Many brands feel that if they can’t count on their video marketing going viral with views in the hundreds of millions then it may not be worth it. Current data, however, shows that social media videos can generate over 1000% more shares than text and image content. Further, partnering with companies such as Jukin Media can help increase reach without breaking the bank.


Most experts agree that compelling content is the most important aspect of in-house produced videos. Unlike written content, your video can convey much of its message without any words at all, so you need to pay careful attention to the thoughts and emotions your video choices evoke. The majority of consumers will act on emotion before they act on fact. That’s just human nature, so seek out visuals and situations that evoke the emotions you know will cause consumers to feel strongly, passionately and positively about your brand while keeping the actual words to a minimum. If you have content that needs to be explained, try DIY animation, which can effectively explain concepts without live-action limitations.


iPhone and some android cameras have a high enough quality for these videos. If not, production-quality equipment can be rented. Make sure to invest in (or rent) a tripod as shaky videos are usually a turn-off.  You can easily create backdrops from any plain material. Actors will likely be found within your ranks. It isn’t unusual to have aspiring or even experienced actors among your own workforce, and using members of your own organization adds an authenticity that many consumers find appealing. Finally, use video editing software that works for you. If you don’t have the money for or the time to learn professional video editing software, use what is already installed on your computer. If you are a true novice in this area, YouTube has a ton of video tutorials that will help you quickly achieve basic competency.

Producing video marking should not be out of reach for any organization, even one on a shoe-string budget. Though moving into a new medium can be intimidating, the incredible reach and resonance of video marketing make the investment of time learning how to produce it effectively exceptionally worth it. Who knows, you may even discover a new passion!

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