How to Recover Data on a Formatted Hard Drive, memory card or flash disk

In the recent times, it is very common for one to mistakenly format a flash drive or a disk drive containing important data. This leaves the user in a state of quagmire not knowing how he/she can recover the lost files. Here comes a lasting solution to this problem. It is now possible to recover files on a formatted hard drive. We have to note that formatting a hard drive does not completely remove files from the drive but it only removes the files from the address tables and this means that recovery of such files is practical.

Steps Recover Data on a Formatted Hard Drive

To facilitate this process of recovering files from a formatted hard drive, you are required to download a software called EaseUS data recovery wizard on to your computer or laptop. This software will make the recovery fast and easy in just a few steps.
Download the free software from the links below;
Windows OS Free Download
Mac OS Free Download

Assuming you have already downloaded and installed the above program, launch the program. From the  EaseUS data recovery wizard window, select the type files you want to recover and click ‘next’. Incase you are unable to boot your computer because of important files missing, connect your computer to another computer as a slave and recover the lost files.

Select the drive from where you lost your files. Be it Local disc C, dive D, drive E or even an external drive. EaseUS will scan the drive for the selected types of files in step 2 above. f the disc drive is not showing up, click ‘lost disc drives’, and then select scan to carry on with the recovery process. blank

As soon as the scanning process is done, all recoverable files will be displayed. From the list displayed, click select the files you wish to recover and then click on ‘recover’ to get the files recovered in a spur of a moment. Remember to save the recovered files on a different drive to avoid overwriting the files. blank

That’s it guys, that will help you to successfully recover data on a formatted hard drive. Worry no more about losing your favourite movies, videos and images. Recover them at the comfort of your screen.

Also find out how to recover deleted text messages on android phones, deleted contacts, photos and even videos.

Technology Sage
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