The interesting series of WhatsApp tricks continues and here is how to create a fake WhatsApp chat or conversation. You can use this trick to prank your friends and be the guru you should be. You can for example fake a conversation with your president or that super hot chic or guy that your friends always said they can’t look your way. Alternatively, you can just create a fake chat to make your ex jealous. Maybe I should warn you that you should not use this trick for criminal purposes as this post is only for education purposes. Easier said than done, right? Let’s get to it.
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How to create a fake WhatsApp chat
There’s really no much to this trick and all it requires was the use of an android app. So what’s this mystery app that can let you create a fake WhatsApp chat or conversation? The app is called WhatsFake and is available on the google play store. They have a pro version with extended features but the free version does the job pretty well too.
So what will this app help you achieve? In a nut shell, the up will enable you create a fake WhatsApp chat or conversation pretty much with anyone you can imagine and even take screenshots that looks real.
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Features of WhatsFake:
- Create fake chats with anyone
- 1:1 mirror image of the real deal, your friends won’t know if it’s fake!
- Control both sides of the conversation
- Alter every single detail in the conversation
- Send & Receive fake media messages
- Send & Receive fake voice messages
- Edit last seen, online, and typing statuses.
- Edit sent, delivered, read message statuses.
That’s it guys. Have responsible fun. The first time I have actually put ‘responsible’ before ‘fun.’ Have fun guys. That sounds better.