Hello guys. Hope this finds you well. Welcome again to our blog site. By visiting our blog, you will learn a lot about phone unlocking, mobile tweaks, computer tricks, and fixes among many other things. Thank you for being so supportive of us. In today’s article, I am going to show you how to remove the security lock on D Horse C8 using your windows computer. Kindly read this article until the end. Also, you can check my other article on D light m200 pay joy unlock. You can also check other many related articles on our blog site.
One thing you need to note is that this article is entirely an educative purpose article. Content from this article should not be used for any illegal or fraudulent activities. We shall not be liable for anything in case you are caught by authorities. Now, that aside, you have to note that you can’t reset this phone from the recovery menu. I don’t know if actually, this phone can boot into recovery, but the first time I tried, it never went into recovery. If yours cannot get into recovery mode, then you need to try my way. In this article today, I am going to show you another alternative to remove the security lock on D Horse C8 using your windows computer
Remove security lock on D Horse C8 using your windows computer
Now, having mentioned earlier, I personally tried to hard reset this phone through the recovery menu but I was not able because I was not able to get to the recovery menu. But if you can, then try to reset it through the recovery menu. If you can’t get to the recovery menu like me, then continue to read to learn to remove the security lock on D Horse C8 using your windows computer. But before we move further, let us look at the things we shall need.
- Windows PC
- Miracle Box 2.58 and above
- USB Data cable
- MTK Drivers pre-installed
Method on How to remove security lock on D Horse C8
Now, having made sure that you meet the above-listed requirements, now carefully follow the following steps to learn how to reset the security code on the D Horse C8 phone. Check also our article on How to unlock Nokia TA 1270 M-kopa smartphone.
Step 1
Now, first and foremost, you need to have Miracle box software. You can use any version starting from version 2.58 and above. In our case, we are using version 2.82. Now, launch the Miracle box on your computer.
Step 2
Now, having successfully launched Miracle box software, on the interface, go to SPD tab. Now, under the SPD tab, first, click on the READ INFO button. Under the CPU type, scroll through the listed SPD CPU types and select SPD6600L/6226/6530/6620/10.
Step 3
Now, this is the time to connect your phone to the computer. Switch of your phone; hold the volume up key (boot key) which is the boot key for SPD Smartphones. Connect the phone to the computer. Miracle will detect your phone and read all the unlock codes used on your phone.
After reading information is 100% done, disconnect your phone from the computer, power it on and use the unlock code result obtained to enter as the phone lock password. When your phone unlocks, you can go to the settings and now do a factory reset with the unlock code you’ve obtained.
That is the easiest method on how to remove the security lock on D Horse C8 using your windows computer. Read more of our articles by visiting our blog site to learn more about mobile phone unlocking. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you all our dear readers. See you again in the next article.