Launched back in February of 2016, the Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus with its smaller sibling the Vibe K5 comes with some very impressive specs on paper and in actual use too. On the software side, the K Plus comes with Android version 5.1 which, by today’s standards, is a bit outdated. Luckily, you can unlock the full power of the device by way of rooting. Even better is the knowledge that, unlike other devices in the android realm, you can actually root the Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus without PC or Mac. In this tutorial, we deal with exactly that. But first, let’s get some ideas in the open.
What is rooting?: Rooting is the process by which users of android devices can have root access or privileged control over their devices. With a rooted device, one can run commands and applications in ways that are not possible on the stock operating system. For example, you can uninstall pre-installed apps, delete system files and other capabilities.
Advantages of rooting: Among the advantages of rooting is the ability to;
- Run custom ROMs.
- Run apps that require root access.
- Free up the internal storage.
- Block Wi-Fi or internet access to a specific app.
- Remove pre-installed apps.
- Install an app in the system.
- Modify the settings.
- Backup app data and others.
Disadvantages of rooting: Rooting has its downside which includes;
- Voiding the warranty for your device.
- The risk of bricking your device.
- Not getting system updates.
- Less security.
Lenovo Vibe K5 Plus: How to Root it Without PC
The actual steps to rooting this device are as follows;
- Enable Developer Mode/Option in you device. This can be done by following the command path; Settings>About Phone>Developer Information the clicking the build number 7 times in a row.
- Enable USB Debugging and OEM unlocking in the device. This can be done by following the command path Settings>Developer Options then enable USB Debugging and OEM unlocking.
- You then need to download the Kingroot app for android from the Kingroot website and install it on your device.
To root your Lenovo K5 Plus without PC, follow these steps;
- Open the Kingroot app you just installed on your phone.
- Click on the Get Now option from the main menu of the app.
- Give it some time for the rooting process to begin. When the rooting is complete, the message Root Successful will be displayed on the screen. Just like that, your device would have been rooted.
You should consider backing up your Recovery and Kernel with this procedure using apps such as Rashr and others. It is a delicate procedure that should only be carried out on phones that have been proven to work well with root access. When trying to root a device, make sure that you are comfortable with the risk involved with the procedure. The general advice is that you root a device that is not your primary device just in the case that the process goes awry and the device is bricked.