The popular WhatsApp messaging platform is most likely not utilized fully by most of its users. Experts from TermPaperEasy services say that it has a lot of hidden features that many users have not yet identified making them miss on a number of important features that could enhance their user experience. Here are the top 10 of these features:
- Text Formatting
You can italicize, bold or strikethrough text on WhatsApp. You will be required to add several special characters before and after the words you want to format. To bold, you use an asterisk (*bold*); use an underscore for italicizing text (_italicize_); and for strikethrough, tildes are used (~strikethrough~).
2. Starring a Message
To get back to an address, an article link or a phone number sent by a friend, starring that message could be of great help. To do this, long-press on that message and then tap on the star icon in the options displayed. Using the star tab at the bottom of your screen, you can access your starred messages on iOS. Android users will have to go to the Menu button and tap on starred messages.
3. The Person You Chat Most
With an iPhone, it is easy to find out: access this information via settings, data storage then storage use. There will be a list of contacts displayed in order of the contact taking most storage in your device. Tapping on each contact will display more stats about the number of messages, GIFs and Images exchanged. Android users can access this information via settings – chat – chat history then email chat.
4. Viewing Message Details
This helps to confirm the time when a message was delivered and read. iPhone users are required to swipe to the left on the message to be able to get this information. Those using Android, the information is accessed by long-pressing on the message and tap on the info icon displayed at the top of the screen.
5. Muting a Conversation
The mute feature on WhatsApp is good for silencing a chatty friend or a group conversation when you want to engage in something that needs concentration and focus. Android users can do this by long-pressing on a chat and tap on the crossed-out speaker icon displayed at the top. For iPhone, you have to open the conversation and tap on the group’s name or contact at the screen’s top and tap Mute. Choose the length of time you want to mute the conversation – 8hours, 1 week or 1 year!
6. Hiding Last Seen Status
To do this, go to settings – account – privacy and then – last seen. There are three options to choose who can know your last seen status: everyone, my contacts, nobody.
7. Disable Read Receipts
Receipts on WhatsApp can be disabled. This prevents users from knowing whether you read a message or not. Go settings – account – privacy and uncheck “Read Receipts.” Note that when this feature is off, you will also not see when a friend has read your message. However, Group chats will still use the read receipts feature.
8. Don’t Save Videos, Photos by Default
If you don’t want WhatsApp to save every video and photo being sent to you, disable the autosave feature. For iPhone users, go to settings – chats and turn off Save Incoming Media. This feature is however apparently missing on Android.
9. Custom Notifications
To stop getting the same alert sound for every message, custom alerts can be set for different contacts. This way, you can know who sent a message without checking. For Android users, tap on menu icon when viewing the chat thread, then go to View contact – custom notifications. For iPhone, tap on the name of the contact while on view mode and then choose custom notifications.
10. Export Conversation
Conversations can be exported when you need to save them. While in view mode, Android users can tap on the menu button then choose email chat. For iPhone – view the chat thread, tap on a contact, scroll to the bottom of contact info page and then export chat. You can do this with or without media attachments.
For these and more app information, consult custom thesis writing service IT professionals. You will get to learn more about the gadgets you are using to spice your life up!