A smartphone comes with different applications installed depending the Country of origin, the service provider of the Country and an individual can request certain applications to be installed on the day of purchase from the dealer. Below are the best applications you cannot afford to miss. They will improve your life as well as productivity.
Apps Your Latest Smartphone Should Not Miss
EverNote is an application where the user saves valuable notes to use later. The best thing about EverNote is it keeps notes, attachments, pictures, audio recordings and even places. The best part of it is you can easily share your work or photos from the application with ease. Photos can easily be cropped to suit the size. EverNote will help you manage a whole office if you are a professional or student or just someone having fun in everyday life. You can also set reminders, and the app will help you stay organized in style.
Typing on a device especially while on the move can be challenging. Also, you might find it difficult to type of you have a small smartphone. Swype is an application that will help the user type faster and more accurately. It is a free version that can be downloaded from the Google Play store for free or there is also a premium version that is a paid version still available.
Have you ever downloaded a file to a secure cloud storage and cannot remember which cloud storage did you download the file? Unclouded comes in handy to help you search where you downloaded a file. With so many cloud places like the Dropbox or One drive and the like, it is very easy for you to forget where you put it, and Unclouded will help you manage and view the files from one place. It is a must-have for those living primarily in the cloud.
WhatsApp is an application that has many features that any smartphone should have. It connects you to the world through messaging, calls, sharing of files through attachments and sharing of pictures. The best part of it is only the service provider charges do apply even while messaging or sending data to another person in another continent. Â This app has really shown negative impact on all communication service providers. Not only Whatsapp, there are few other applications which indeed reduced Individual communication bills.Â
WhatsApp uses the phonebook numbers in your mobile phone in that for you to chat with somebody or share information; you have to save that particular individual number in your phonebook, go online and refresh the contacts in the WhatsApp. The numbers will appear automatically, and you can start chatting or sharing information. The best part of the application is, you can form different groups or join various groups through the administrator and exchange information to a bigger audience than individually. The group chat is a maximum of 100 people per team. Facebook and Facebook Messenger can also be downloaded if one wants to but you can still log into your Facebook account through the browser of choice and chat or check messages. Still, you can update your status comfortably from the browser.
Skype is also a communication application that one can use to send messages, attachments, pictures or video calls. Earlier smartphones for those who still hold on them, some didn’t have front cameras to help it communicate through video calls. Skype still offers communication through messages. All is needed is an internet connection and start chatting, or a video calls confidently. Skype has helped many professionals work remotely without traveling to office headquarters to do presentations. It has also helped many friends and families talk freely with loved ones who are far and seeing their reactions through video calls. Download it for free from Google play store.
There are many weather forecast applications one can download it doesn’t matter if you travel a lot or not. AccuWeather is the best you can download because it will update you accurately up with more customization options that you will not find in any other weather application. It gives you a minute cast, hourly cast, and days to come cast of around the world. Once you download it, just put your location of where you want to understand the weather forecast. It is free to download an application you can download from the play store for free.
Gmail or Inbox
Gmail is the best Email application that you need to download for free because it is now customized to different important titles. You will be able to read important Emails first or starred Emails or those from promotions or social network, giving you the opportunity to learn what is important at the time without wasting much time scrolling down to look for an important Email.
It is another application that you can download and log in a different Email address other than the Gmail. So not to worry if you have another Email account, you can still have your Emails come into your smartphone.
Google Maps
Maps are important to anyone whether you are traveling or stay at home person. Sometimes you need to know directions to a particular place, you cannot seem to figure it out, maps come in handy, and you can track a location from where you are to where you wish to go or locate.
Play Store
I don’t know whether it is available for download, or it is pre-installed from the manufacturer, but it is the mother of all applications. If you have the play store installed, then you are lucky because you can download about anything depending on your career, gender, age or importance of the application you want. Play store is a store by Google that has millions of apps that can be downloaded from anywhere. It does not have any restrictions on area or country all you have to do is download any application that you feel suits you. If your smartphone don’t have the play store from Google, then there are other places you can download individual applications like Samsung has its store though most still will take you to Google Play store.