What Exactly Is Metal Fabrication

Each of us look at, touch, and use products every single day. But how are these products made and produced? The answer for many products is through metal fabrication. Let’s get into exactly what metal fabrication is and how it applies to the products we use each day.

Metal fabrication in essence is the creation of metal by cutting, bending, and assembling processes. In a typical metal fabrication process, a shop will bid on a job after looking at engineering drawings, and they employ a myriad of processes which include cutting, welding, and machining.

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Plate Rolling

Plate rolling Manitoba fabrication usually involves three different steps: hot rolling, primary rolling and cold rolling. This helps convert the metal ingots to simple stock members and then uses high temperatures to creates plates, sheets, rods, and structural shapes. Cold rolling is when the metal is given its final form to apply certain finishes, dimensional tolerance, and enhanced material strength.

Once this metal has been put into its final form, it can then be used to create some of the amazing things that we use each day. Metal can be used for beams, brackets and studs for construction type solutions, or they can be machined down into gears or components for home-use type products. The possibilities really are endless with the types of applications that metal can be used in. 


One common use of raw material sheets after plate rolling is that of laser sheet metal cutting. This process is used to create precise components such as gears or other parts that need to be as accurate as possible. Tube laser cutting is perfect for round, square, or rectangle type flatbar to cut long beams into shorter beams or any long object into multiple shorter objects. CNC machining is when a flat part can be turned into really any type of shape you need it to be. This sort of manufacturing is extremely useful for parts that need intricate and precise holes, cavities, etc. 

As you can see, metal fabrication takes place for almost any metal part that exists in our homes, buildings, and products that we use on a daily basis. By having a greater understanding of how this process works, we can have more appreciation for the products we use and marvel at the amazing processes that exist out there to turn flat metal sheets into works of engineering and art in our lives. 

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